Legal Opinion

Hukm of Al-Rutubah (Moisture) Which Flows From a Woman

7. Hukm of Al-Rutubah (Moisture) Which Flows From a Woman




What is hukm for the moisture from woman in the days of pregnancy or unpregnancy, is it najasah (impure moisture) ? and is it obligated for that woman to take ablution anymore ?


Then, the moisture which flows and comes out from the woman is two kinds :

First     : Which comes out from child system, it’s related into  



Second : Which comes out from urinary sytem and it’s related to

               Al-Mathana (testicle), so then it is impurity.


While, whice comes from child system, the accurate opinion it is clean and pure if it is not mixed with blood, and it is agreed by Ibnu Qudamah in his book ‘Al-Mughni 2/491’.


He said : Aisyah (may Allah Gracious with her) used to scrub a sperm (dried sperm) from clothes of the prophet (pbuh) after getting sexual relation as no prophet has ever attain puberty, and he find the liquid of al-Farj (privy part)….ended.


And what it is mentioned is very clear argument for it is not impurity moisture of woman which comes from her privy part even comes after getting sexual relation, unless the prophet (bpuh) would order Aishah (may Allah be Gracious to her) not only to scrub the clothes but also to wash it.


And it is also very necessary for the prophet (pbuh) to explain its hukm if it is impure, and also if it is considered as impurity, it will really becomes great difficulty for every man and woman.


And the Islam (as the tolerant teachings) like to make the difficult matter easy. And the saying of purity is the saying of Jumhur (most Islamic Scholars).


Al-Hanafiyyah (The followers of scholar Abu Hanifah) agreed also with them. Refer to Haseyeyat Ibn Abedeen 1/349) and Al-Shafeeyah in their Mathhab two sayings of Imam and Nasr, Nawawi and Al-Rafi’i (Al Majmouh 2/570-571). And Hanabilah (as Ibnu Qudamah said which Ibnu Muflih confirmed it in (al-Furu’ 1/249).


And Al-Buhuti in ‘Explaining Muntaha Al-Irodat’ (1/301), And Explaining Al-Mumti’ by Syeikh Muhammad al-Utsaimin (may Allah Blessed him) (1/390-392).




Is this moisture or which comes out from woman make the ablution becomes invalid ?


While, as he comes out from one the two privy parts, so it’s ruled like urination. While which comes from birth system in the normal days or pregnancy, so then there is no daleel which say it will invalidates the ablution.

Ibnu Hazm said in ‘Al-Muhalla’ (1/155-156).

Which we didn’t tell above will not invalidate the ablution, no Ri’af (blood flows through the nose) nor blood which flows from body or throat or even tooth, there is no matter with the liquid comes from the privy part of woman like white or yellow or turbid liquid or meat.


Then he said : Our daleels with not invalidating the ablution are that not Qur’an nor sunnah or even Ijma (unanimous opinion) tell with an invalidation of the Ablution. (Ended).


And with that daleel, Scholar Abul Al-Walid ibn Rushed from Maliki School, said in book ‘Al-Thakirah’ (1/421) by Al-Qurofi.


And hadith narrated by Ummu Atteya (May Allah be Gracious to her) confirmed as she said : “We used not to consider ‘Al-Kudrah’ (Muddy) or ‘Al-Sufrah’ (yellowish) liduid as thing (which it’s impurity and invalidate the ablution)”. (Narrated by Bukhori 1/426 and Abu Daud). added : After purification.


Al-Kudrah : Liquid which looks blackish.


Al-Sufrah  : Liquid which the woman see like yellow rust, and the accurate of those daleels said with no invalidating the ablution. But if woman will considers it as thing which invalidates the ablution, so there is no matter.

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