Legal Opinion

Hukm of Bukhur (Fragrant Smoke) During Fasting

13. Hukm of Bukhur (Fragrant Smoke) During Fasting


What is hukm of using Bukhur during fasting ?


If that fragrant smoke reachs the throat by inhaling regardles of whether he makes it or other, it makes his fast invalid according to the opinions of some scholars, as mentioned in “Al-Sharh Al-Kabir” by Ahmad Dardin 1/525.


He said : because the smoke of Bukhur and Qidr (cooking pot), are concreate matter which the brain conditionated with it and it becomes strong with it like the strength obtained by foods. And said : While the smoke which does not feed the stomach like the smoke of the firewood even it reached the stomach by deliberate intentional inhaling, it will not need to cover up for his fast as it does not make him strong like the strenght of food, others Islamic scholars differ from them saying : these smokes are not food nor drink and also not food and drink in their meaning, so then those do not invalidate  fasting. And to be more precautious for muslim not to comsume Bukhur during fasting in order to keep his fasting  from all kinds of Al-Muftirat (things which make the fast invalid).




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